[Xen-devel] Re: Exporting symbols from hypervisor
Hi grzegorz,
I have one more issue. I want to export do_domctl function for
debugging. I did EXPORT_SYMBOL(do_domctl) its not happening. Any idea
about this.
Xen doesn't use modular architecture and consequently EXPORT_SYMBOL
macro is a no-op (see: include/xen/config.h). You just need to add
do_domctl definition to a header file. Or define it wherever you need
with 'extern'.
Sorry to bother you again and again.
Thanks very much.
On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 14:52 +0100, Grzegorz Miłoś wrote:
I did really mean:
xm dmesg
ok xm dmesg is showing the stuff.
thanks for the info.
Does this mean that the printk's print it to the xenstore??
I don't think it is stored in xenstore itself, but yes, it is
in Dom0.
Xen can be configured to output it's messages on the serial line,
it also puts it in a buffer (console ring) for Dom0's attention, xm
dmesg should print all the hypervisors output.
how to enable this???
by default it does'nt print it on the serial console.
add the following command line options to your xen configuration
(bootloader config):
com1=115200,8n1 console=com1,tty
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