Re: [Xen-devel] Modifying xentop
Hi, Carlo
If you skip the code tracking,
it is better to see arch_do_sysctl@xen/arch/x86/sysctl.c
If you keep digging the code in your way,
you need to track the hypercall code (which includes assembler).
Atsushi SAKAI
Carlo Bertoldi <mcbain@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'd like to extend xentop, so after some study I realized that I have
> to start extending libxenstat. Let's say I want to know how many
> free_pages a domain has, so I added a field in xen_sysctl_physinfo
> (include/xen/interface/sysctl.h) and one in xen_domctl_getdomaininfo
> (include/xen/interface/domctl.h). CIIW, I think the flow is like:
> libxenstat -> libxc -> xc_physinfo -> ? I think that here I've got to
> check the kernel side interface in drivers/xen/privcmd/privcmd.c but I
> can't find anything that takes care of handling some physinfo struct.
> Am I completely off road here? Do I have to look into the hypervisor
> instead of the guest kernel?
> Thanks,
> Carlo
> --
> ネ molto pi
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