Re: [Xen-devel] NetApp vfiler example scripts
On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 4:27 PM, Stefan de Konink <skinkie@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Mark Williamson schreef:
> Mark Johnson schreef:
>> I've been playing with adding extensions to phy: to handle dynamic
>> block devices. For iscsi, it's something like.
>> phy:iscsi:[static]/<targetid>/<lun>/[serverIpAddr]
>> e.g.
>> disk = ['phy:/dev/zvol/dsk/tank/guests/snv89,0,w',
>> 'phy:iscsi:static/iqn.1986-03.com.sun:02:17f34578-00a9-ef69-f3e9-b8a2896a4915/0/,1,w']
>> when the block hotplug script see's the phy:<ext>: it
>> looks for something like a block-<ext> script and runs
>> it if it can find it, else, defaults down normal path.
> Isn't that what normally happens? Just type blabla: and it will go to
> block-blabla?
Not for Solaris.
>> The iscsi hotplug script verifies/sets up the disk, then adds
>> a params-dynamic (equivalent to Stefan's node?) entry in
>> xenstore. A small change to the disk backend looks for a
>> dynamic entry first, then defaults back to param if it can't find it.
> I have based all my code on the shoulders of giants, the final code was one
> big mash up.
I assume you aren't using pygrub to boot off of a iscsi disk?
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