Hi, Stefano and Keir,
When I set sdl=1, vnc=0 and use VNC viewer to connect a host, then boot a
windows guest, the color is abnormal.
If I set sdl=0, vnc=1 and use VNC viewewr to connect a host, then boot a
windows guest, the color is correct.
If I use Domain0's X window to boot a windows guest and whatever sdl=1,
vnc=0 or sdl=0, vnc=1, the color is correct.
The color depth and resolution of my windows guest is: 800*600, 24bit or
16bit. And my VNC version is: VNC Viewer Free Edision 4.1.1. I will check my
Domain0's resolution and color depth when I back to company on Monday.
Best regards,
-- Dongxiao
-----Original Message-----
From: Stefano Stabellini [mailto:stefano.stabellini@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 2008年3月28日 18:54
To: Xu, Dongxiao
Cc: Samuel Thibault; Li, Haicheng; xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] VMX status report. Xen: #17270 & Xen0: #488 -- no
Xu, Dongxiao wrote:
> Hi, Samuel,
> Recently, I look into the bug 1180: Hvm windows guest shows abnormal
> color. I find that, if we use X window to boot a windows guest, the color is
> correct; and if we use vnc viewer to connect to the host and boot a windows
> guest, the color is abnormal. This issue comes from Xen C/S 17171.
> BTW, I set sdl=1 and vnc=0 in my configuration file. If set sdl=0 and vnc=1
> in configuration file, both color from vnc viewer or X window are correct.
Sorry I don't fully understand: is when you where using sdl=1 and vnc=0
(that is the SDL windows) that you saw abnormal colours or when you
where using sdl=0 and vnc=1 (vnc interface)?
These informations would be helpful:
- the colour depth and resolution in the window guest
- the colour depth and resolution of your dom0 X window system
- which vnc viewer you are using (if the problem is with vnc)
Stefano Stabellini
I was independently able to reproduce another colour problem that
happens only when the guest colour resolution is 8 bpp.
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