Re: [Xen-devel] xen 3.1.0 on sles10sp1
"Jan Beulich" <jbeulich@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >>> "Sebastian Reitenbach" <sebastia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 30.01.08 11:04
> >"Jan Beulich" <jbeulich@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >> The error message clearly indicates that you've got a broken /init in
> >> initrd. I guess you'll need to examine what went wrong during its
> >creation.
> >
> >I just did that.
> >For some reason there was an
> >caps="$(</proc/xen/capabilities)"
> >if [ "$caps" != "${caps%control_d*}" ]; then
> > echo nothing
> >fi
> Hmm, that section is there on purpose, but the body certainly shouldn't
> be empty.
> >I added the "echo nothing" into the if statement, then it worked. After
> >restarting again, it panicked again, but now because of missing cciss HDD
> >controler driver to access the root partition. I added this and it is
> >starting now.
> This sounds like your /etc/sysconfig/kernel (INITRD_MODULES) isn't set up
> properly. But otoh I assume other kernels get their initrd generated
> correctly. Maybe you missed some detail of how mkinitrd needs to be
> invoked, or what prerequisites it has? That would also explain why that
> section above as empty.
yeah, other kernels do not have this problem, I followed the README file, in
point 5) To rebuild a kernel with a modified config...
I think, after that I just only ran depmod -a and mkinitrd without
parameters, and then it was working, this is the way I usually use.
also mkinitrd on sles10sp1 does not know about the -v parameter, and then it
did not liked the --with paramters too:
mkinitrd -v -f --with=aacraid --with=sd_mod --with=scsi_mod
initrd-2.6.16-xen.img 2.6.16-xen
Unknown option: -v
Try mkinitrd -h
srv4:/usr/local/src/dist #
mkinitrd -f --with=aacraid --with=sd_mod --with=scsi_mod
initrd-2.6.16-xen.img 2.6.16-xen
Unknown option: --
Try mkinitrd -h
these versions are installed:
> >Sorry for the noise.
> That's not just noise, thanks for pointing this out.
> Jan
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