Re: [Xen-devel] question: trap handler query....
On Tue, 2008-01-22 at 12:40 -0800, Mukesh Rathor wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've a question. how would a cpu know from an IPI, if it's on a trap
> handler
> underneath. Looking at entry.S, I see that trap handlers push entry vector on
> stack, so I suppose one could walk down the frames (there's prob a better
> way).
the better way is to check the interrupted privilege level in the pushed
CS register (bits 1-0). if it's zero, it's been in xen when it happened.
> Moreover, what if the IPI comes right before the entry vector is pushed?
exception entry by itself is atomic. either you get a complete stack
frame (as pushed by the cpu, i.e. up to rip/error_code, i.e. not
including the SAVE_ALL macros) or remain at the instruction yet to cause
the trap. nowhere in between.
> Does x86 disable upon trap?
..interrupts you mean? typically no. only on interrupt gates.
Daniel Stodden
LRR - Lehrstuhl für Rechnertechnik und Rechnerorganisation
Institut für Informatik der TU München D-85748 Garching
http://www.lrr.in.tum.de/~stodden mailto:stodden@xxxxxxxxxx
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