Re: [Xen-devel] Migrate/Save of 32-bit domU Broken on Xen 3.1.2 64-bit d
On Fri, Jan 18, 2008 at 11:24:05PM +0000, Keir Fraser wrote:
> On 18/1/08 23:17, "Dan Magenheimer" <dan.magenheimer@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > Note that 64-bit Xen + 32-bit Dom0 will support both 32-bit
> > and 64-bit domU's. (Oracle VM uses this configuration by
> > default on 64-bit capable machines.) And save/restore/migration
> > has been tested to work for this (with the patch Kurt posted).
> Worth checking in then?
> -- Keir
If you're willing to take the patches as-is to support 32-bit
dom0/64-bit guest case, yes. We'll have to continue working on the
opposite case, but at least there is some way of supporting
save/restore/migrate for all guest types today.
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