Re: [Xen-devel] API Changelog [new functionality]
Stefan de Konink writes ("Re: [Xen-devel] API Changelog [new functionality]"):
> If a developer adds extra functionality. Is this same developer
> responsible for updating the 'TeX' file?
Certainly if you have a substantial change, or one which introduces
new APIs then I think you should submit documentation of some kind in
the same patch.
However the tex document is currently badly out of date, and
annotating documentation contributions to turn them into typesettable
TeX is an unneeded distraction. I think traditional 70ish-column
ASCII plain text is a better format for our internal documentation -
for example, see the recently added xenstore protocol document and the
API changelog.
So if when you submit a patch you include a corresponding change to
the tex document I think we would be happy to accept that, but I think
we should be aiming to move towards plain text documents which we can
expect people to keep current.
So I would suggest including documentation for your change as text in
the docs/ directory - either as new files or modifications to existing
files as appropriate. Include an entry in docs/ChangeLog if there are
ABI changes.
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