Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [Xen-users] Kernel seems to crash in a xen environme
On 3/12/07 18:34, "Daniel Rindt" <drindt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> It may well be fixed by xen-unstable changesets 16406, 16407 and 16408.
> Hello Keir,
> the numbers above a represent what? bugreports? Iam not sure which part
> of xen must be replaced. Is it the xen-kernel into my the affected domU?
> Possibly that a rpm exits for Fedora Distro?
> And how to support the Fedora Development team to integrate the fix?
They are changeset numbers. One of the fixes is to extend the 4gb segment
fixup code to work with a wider range of processor instructions. That looks
to be the issue you are hitting.
I don't know how easy it would be to try these changes in FC8. If you can
get the FC8 Xen sources then you could export the patches from the
xen-unstable repo and apply themn to the FC8 tree. Or you could try building
and installing xen-unstable Xen on top of FC8.
-- Keir
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