Hello, xen users,
I installed XenServer-v3.2.0 on my Dell
PowerEdge 6850 and compiled dom0 kernel with oprofile support enabled.
I also made a guest VM –Centos 4.5
with kernel 2.6.9 through “p2v”. And then I newly compiled the
guest VM kernel
with “oprofile support enabled”
using the following source RPM for xenoprof test
During compiling the kernel, the xen.patch file
doesn’t activate the “profiling support” when X86_XEN is
enabled. So I fixed it
to enable “profiling support”
even though it sets X86_XEN.
Just remove the “!” on the
following code
>> xen.patch
274 +if !X86_XEN
275 source
276 +endif
And then I try to use oprofile on both dom0
kernel and domU kernel. But when I start a profiling daemon on the
domU kernel with the event “GLOBAL_POWER_EVENT”,
the messages said,
You cannot specify any performance counter
because OProfile is in timer mode.
How can I get solved this problem? Is there
anybody who let me know how to enter the event counter mode
instead of timer mode??
Thank you!!