Re: [Xen-devel] Windows DDK and GPL
On Fri, Sep 21, 2007 at 02:52:32PM -0400, Steve Ofsthun wrote:
> Our Windows driver set is built using the Microsoft DDK.
> Aside from any legal issues, our implementation of HVM live migrate is not
> binary compatible with the current Xen 3.1 release. This and other
> compatibility issues (our 32 bit drivers use the same ring protocol as our
> 64 bit drivers) would prevent you from using our drivers directly. This is
> not a planned divergence, rather a consequence of getting something to work
> reliably enough to ship at various points since 3.0.2. Over time we have
> been converging with generic XEN and at some future date I would expect
> binary compatibility.
> If a source distribution was not available, would a binary release be of
> any use?
I'm sure many Xen users would be more than happy to have binary versions of
windows pv drivers! Much better than no drivers at all..
-- Pasi
> Hope this helps,
> Steve
> --
> Steve Ofsthun - Virtual Iron Software, Inc.
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