I set xm and xend options to allow 'xen-api' for set policy command.
At that time,I found the error of xm list command in changeset 15880.
It reports as follows.
xen-api is effective
#xm list --label
Name ID Mem VCPUs State Time(s) Label
Domain-0 0 1024 2 r----- 61.0 DEFAULT
xen-api is not effectife
#xm list --label
Name ID Mem VCPUs State Time(s) Label
Domain-0 0 1024 2 r----- 0.0 DEFAULT <--- is it an error ?
about 'xen-api' setting
#cat /etc/xen/xm-config.xml
<!-- The server element describes how to talk to Xend. The type maybe
Xen-API or LegacyXMLRPC (the default). The URI is that of the
server; you might try http://server:9363/ or
httpu:///var/run/xend/xen-api.sock for the Xen-API, or
httpu:///var/run/xend/xmlrpc.sock for the legacy server.
The username and password attributes will be used to log in
if Xen-API is being used.
<server type='Xen-API'
password='mypassword' />
#cat /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp
# Example: listen on TCP port 9363 on all interfaces,
#accepting connections
# only from machines in example.com or localhost,
#and allow access through
# the unix domain socket unconditionally:
# (xen-api-server ((9363 pam '^localhost$ example\\.com$')
# (unix none)))
# Optionally, the TCP Xen-API server can use SSL by specifying the private
# key and certificate location:
# (9367 pam '' /etc/xen/xen-api.key #/etc/xen/xen-api.crt)
# Default:
# (xen-api-server ((unix)))
(xen-api-server ((9363 none)))
Syunsuke HAYASHI
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