Dom0 itself is a virtual domain. I think the function of HVM should not
on the dom0. So the question is if without any interference from dom0,
how Xen
helps HVM to function, such as creating a virtual disk for HVM, PCI,
VGA, etc.
Does this need modification of xen?
Best regards,
Hu Jia Yi
Ext: 20430
Tel: 65-67510430
-----Original Message-----
From: pradeep singh rautela [mailto:rautelap@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 12:18 PM
To: Hu Jia Yi
Cc: xen-devel
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Is it possible that Xen starts without Domain0
On 9/7/07, Hu Jia Yi <jyhu@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have a question which may sound stupid.
> Is the dom0 mainly responsible for administration of other VMs?
> If a PC only needs running HVM and doesn't need any administration, is
> it possible that Xen doesn't start dom0 but setup VM environment and
> start-up HVM image?
I am not sure if that is possible, but i doubt possible atleast right
hypervisor itself is pretty thin and minimal and does not contain most
of the drivers.Directly booting a HVM(e.g a linux kernel on XYZ
distro) means giving hardware control to that HVM drivers which is not
something intended. What happens if there are two HVM?
> What modification do I need, such as drivers, memory management, file
> systems?
> Best regards,
> Hu Jia Yi
> Ext: 20430
> Tel: 65-67510430
pradeep singh rautela
"question = ( to ) ? be : ! be;"
-- Wm. Shakespeare
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