Re: [Xen-devel] Is a gateway necessary for Xen networking? (c/s 15203)
I think most people will have a default gateway, but we’d take a patch to remove that assumption from the scripts.
-- Keir
On 7/8/07 21:54, "Krysan, Susan" <KRYSANS@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Posting this again, hoping for a response.
c/s 15203 removed netloop from network bridge init scripts and assumes a default gateway route is defined. When one is not defined, networking does not work. Is it truly the intention of this c/s to require a gateway for xen, even though one is not required when we boot the linux kernel?
Sue Krysan
Linux Systems Group
Unisys Corporation
From: xen-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:xen-devel-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Carb, Brian A
Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 3:41 PM
To: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: Carb, Brian A
Subject: [Xen-devel] Is a gateway necessary for Xen networking?
Using Xen unstable (changeset 15445) on X86_64 SLES10, we are no longer able to start networking without a default gateway.
After "xend" starts,
- ifconfig shows eth0, lo, and tmpbridge, and xen networking is incomplete
- "brctl show" reveals tmpbridge with no interfaces connected
If we modify the network-bridge script to show output:
exec 2>/tmp/log
set -x
and restart xend, the log file shows that xen-network-common.sh fails in a call to getcfg:
+ preiftransfer
++ /sbin/getcfg -d /etc/sysconfig/network/ -f ifcfg- --
Error in getcfg (get_config.c, 303):
Give exactly one argument
If we create a default route, the script does not error and a peth0 is created.
Since a gateway is not required for linux, should it be required for Xen?
brian carb
unisys corporation - malvern, pa
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