Hi, all
I'd like to introduce a socket communication facility optimized for sending and receiving data between domains in a single machine, named Xway.
Xway is a network module that enables socket programs running on virtual machines in a single machine to communicate each other efficiently though socket interface. Xway shows better socket communication latency and bandwidth than the native socket of Xen. Xway also provides binary compatiblity for socket interface, so that the socket programs don't have to be recompiled to exploit the advantages of Xway.
We have tested the binary compatiblity for a couple of programs such as ssh, vsftp, proftp, apache, and mysql.
Those programs works well without any recompilication or modification to the source codes as we expected.
The main schemes of Xway are as follows:
1) shared memory between domains
2) bypassing TCP/IP and Domain 0
3) dual channel approach dividing data send/receive and others on a socket
It consists of kernel patch, a kernel module, and a user daemon.
Please evaluate Xway and comments on it .
Feel free to contact me if you meet problems when installing and evaluating it.
Thank you in advance.
Kang-ho Kim
Senior Member of Engineering Staff
System Software Research Team/Internet Server Group
Digital Home Research Division/Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute
161 Gajeong-dong, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-350 KOREA
Phone : 82-42-860-6226
Fax : 82-42-860-6699
Mobile : 82-10-4433-8538
E-mail : khk@xxxxxxxxxx, sunnykuz@xxxxxxxxx