[Xen-devel] Re: how to make xenbus do .probe?
In the Xenintro, before "triggering of probe() in a backend driver"
example, it says:
"Note: this example worked in the past, but with the release of xen
3.0 it stopped to work. We are working on fixing it."
Anyone knows whom could I get help from? This example is really important for
beginners like me to start with.
On 3/5/07, Jian Wang <jeans.wang@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I know it is a naive question. But can anyone please give me one hand on this?
I tried the example of
does not work.
Thanks a lot!
On 2/28/07, Jian Wang <jeans.wang@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone please tell me how to get ".probe" function in "struct
> xenbus_driver" called?
> I want to do one simple test of event channel communication between
> peer modules of
> domU and dom0.
> I wrote one backend and one frontend driver (I tried registered as
> misc/blk/input device) where I put in all my xenbus routines, but
> cannot get .probe called after insmod my module, I have put
> one week's time to try to find the answer, failed.
> Thanks a lot!
> -Jian
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