Re: [Xen-devel] 64bit Xen + iSCSI became in a dom0 crash
On Thu, Dec 14, 2006 at 03:36:47PM -0300, Luis Vinay wrote:
> I'm experimenting with Xen + iSCSI on 64bit platfoms, and I founded that
> under heavy stress domU's can crash entire system, I've reproduced this many
> many times.
Do you run iscsi-initiator in dom0 or in domU ?
-- Pasi
> My systems are like this
> Software:
> - iSCSI Enterprise Target v0.4.13
> - RedHat AS4 update 4 64bit + Xen 3.0.3-0 Kernel + Open iSCSI
> v2.0.730 (Initiator)
> - Bonnie++ v1.03a (stressing program)
> VM:
> - Debian 3.1r3 + Open iSCSI v2.0.730 (Initiator)
> - RedHat AS4 update 4 + Open iSCSI v2.0.730 (Initiator)
> Perfomed tests:
> Four instances of bonnie++ with root uid on the filesystem to be stressed
> On all the cases the result was a crash, but when I switch to a 32bit distro
> everything works fine
> The attached files are the captured crash errors on the cosole
> Luis Vinay
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