Re: [Xen-devel] [HVM][SVM][PATCH][2/2] Delay ExtInt Injection
On 19/10/06 11:03 pm, "Woller, Thomas" <thomas.woller@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Add flag to indicate that an exception event needs injecting, and to
> delay
> the ext interrupt injection.
> Remove unnecessary check of RFLAGS.IF for ExtInt injection.
Since EventInj is separate from V_IRQ, and both are supported simultaneously
(EventInj followed by V_IRQ, I hope!), why do you need to enforce mutual
exclusion favouring EventInj and delaying V_IRQ injection?
Removing the RFLAGS.IF check makes sense because the previous patch moves
the check later (and does dummy VIRQ injection instead of simply bailing).
But I don't see why the EventInj check gets added by this patch.
-- Keir
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