RE: [Xen-devel] 32E (64bit) VMX keyboard is out of control, ifgiven an a
> >Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] 32E (64bit) VMX keyboard is out of control,
> ifgiven an
> >addition 'hde'
> >
> >>After creating VMX, its keyboard can not be used properly. For
> if
> >pressing 'Backspace', it shows 'm'; if
> >pressing 'Enter', it just said
> >>Unknown key pressed.
> >
> >What OS are you running as the particular HVM guest?
> >
> I have tied following HVM OS.
> SLES9, RC3, RHEL4u3
> They all have similar behavior. It is very easy to reproduce.
> BTW, this issue is related with 32E platform. HVM can be 32 or 32E.
Do you mean that with a plain 32b or 32b PAE hypervisor the problem
doesn't exhibit, or is this untested?
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