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Re: [Xen-devel] Grad project transition to masters thesis idea

To: "Jeff Shanab" <jshanab@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] Grad project transition to masters thesis idea
From: "Niraj Tolia" <ntolia@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2006 23:12:54 -0400
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Hi Jeff,

You might want to look at Xen-GL and Blink. They both virtualize
OpenGL for Xen VMs.

URLs: http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~andreslc/xen-gl/ and


On 9/2/06, Jeff Shanab <jshanab@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am starting a Grad class on graphics and planning on turning it into
my masters thesis.  I would like to write a openGL split graphics driver
for zen to allow sharing of accelerated graphics. (without copying large
amounts of data around)

Kind of xgl+xen in domain zero with each pane a seperate domain. I
envision a rotate left right between desktop and a rotate up down
between domains. Not really a cube anymore, but you get the point.   I
have been reading documents on xgl,compviz,xgtk,xegl and xen but I am
not sure if this is possible yet.

What I am thinking is that each opengl context will be "registered" with
the hypervisor and a virtual openGL driver provided in each domain will
serve out xgl for an x server to use. A domain switch is just a eye
point change or opengl context change, what is in the card stays there
between switches.

But... Am i correct in assuming that the driver in domain zero will have
to be made xen aware so that it can determine which domain interupts
from code accesing the card belong to? What I am afraid is that since
the card has a GPU it is like a dual processor system and that there
might not be enough  access to the GPU, that it may need it's own
hypervisor . I don't really know how the GPU's work. Is the code running
in the main CPU or in the GPU, where is that line?

Suggestions, comments?

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