RE: [Xen-devel] Re: Is hypercall_hvm_op in changeset 11060 effective?
>Looks like it could be a 32-on-64 issue if you're running 64-bit Xen.
>Perhaps the current test for this situation, in hvm_do_hypercall() in
>arch/x86/hvm/hvm.c, is broken. It just tests
>guest_paging_levels, but that
>may not work if paging is disabled. That's probably where you
>should look if
>you're trying to debug this.
This patch fixes the HVM hypercall issue when paging is not enabled yet
on 64bit host.
Signed-off-by: Xin Li <xin.b.li@xxxxxxxxx>
Description: fix_hvm_hypercall.patch
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