Re: [Patch][RFC] Support "xm dump" (is Re: [Xen-devel] Re:[Patch]Enable
On Fri, Aug 04, 2006 at 12:24:27AM +0900, Akio Takebe wrote:
> > quite nicely! This could easily be morphed into the 'xm dump' command
> >- it just
> > didn't occur to me at the time!
> >
> Your xendump command is dump feature without pause.
> In the case without pause, domain's memory is modified while dumping.
> I think both w/o and w pause are needed.
On the presumption that dumping can take quite a while, I see that not
pausing the domain can be useful. So perhaps:
xm dump [-Lc] <dom> <filename>
Default: non-destructive, paused dump
-L: live (don't pause the domain)
-c: crash the domain
It should take a filename to dump to...
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