Re: [Xen-devel] driver domains
Hi Mike,
Interrupts are passed on to the domain that registers the irq handler (and
only priviledged domains are allowed to do so). Hence the interrupt would be
sent directly to driver domain (unless it is being shared by multiple domains,
in which case it would go to all the domains).
A good start would be to look at xen/arch/x86/irq.c, specifically at
pirq_guest_unbind and __do_IRQ_guest.
On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 02:32:27PM -0400, Mike D. Day wrote:
> For a driver domain, do interrupts for the devices that service that
> domain get handled by the driver domain itself, or by domain 0 first?
> Which code should I read to understand how this works?
> thanks,
> Mike Day
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Himanshu Raj
PhD Student, GaTech (www.cc.gatech.edu/~rhim)
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