RE: [Xen-devel] RE: Rearchitecting IO Emulation for HVM Guests
On Thu, 2006-06-08 at 13:02 -0700, Nakajima, Jun wrote:
> We've been working on re-architecting the virtual device drivers (such
> as netfront, blkfront) to minimize their Xen or Linux dependencies so
> that we can load these drivers on broader ranges of HVM guests. The new
> architecture has Xen and non-driver Linux code in the stub domain.
> Our scope at this point is not the IO emulation as in qemu-dm, and I
> believe our project and the one below will be complementary to each
> other.
> > port xenbus/netfront/blkfront to minios
> We've ported/moved part of the code above to minios (stub domain) to
> make the cleaner netfront and blkfront drivers working, and the
> prototype drivers have started working with the stub domain.
Hi Jun,
I'm a bit confused by your response, are you working on creating a
"stub" domain along with adding the drivers to the minios or both? They
aren't the same. If you've already started on the adding a PV "stub" to
an HVM domain, how'd you define the relationship between the PV stub and
the HVM domain? What stage are you at with the effort?
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