Re: [Xen-devel] PATCH: Multicast support for linux-2.6.16-xen
On 3 May 2006, at 09:47, Christophe Devriese wrote:
You need a Signed-off-by line. Also, when creating patches, it's best
to do it from the very top of the tree. Better yet, use hg diff.
What is a signed-off line ? What format does it take ? Do you want me
to patch
it in the mercurial repository ?
Signed-off-by: Christophe Devriese <christophe.devriese@xxxxxxxx>
You just put the line above somewhere in your email and that says that
the patch is okay for open source.
In the case of your last patch, it was so trivial that I simply signed
off on it myself, so don't worry about it this time round.
-- Keir
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