Re: [Xen-devel] FW: [Xen-changelog] Added tag 3.0.2-branchedforchangeset
Ian Pratt wrote:
> Hi Keir,
> What is the 3.0.2-breanched tag for?
3.0.2 has been forked from -unstable into -testing, where it is
undergoing final testing before release.
[I happen to know that the process got stalled because a regression has
been detected, so the release won't happen today.]
I have noticed that the 3.0.2 release candidate tree/repository is obviously
not the one available as 3.0-testing on the XenSource website. Is it
available for public consumption anywhere? Guessing from some emails, I
think that you are applying bugfixes to that -testing repo, no? I would like
to test this rc before release, but without access to it, I am limited to
what is available in xen-unstable.
Best Regards,
Michael Paesold
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