Re: [Xen-devel] xm-test with vmx failes sanity checks
On Sunday 29 January 2006 04:55, Adam Wendt wrote:
> When I try running runtest.sh after succesfully building xm-test with
> --enable-vmx-support it fails with:
> Running sanity checks...
> REASON: Timed out waiting for console
> Sanity checks failed.
> This is on dual core presler cpu, 64bit host linux
Did you build the xm-list disk.img on your 64bit host with a 64bit kernel? I
didn't think 64bit guests worked for hvm yet? Could you try building a 32bit
disk.img and see if that works?
You can manually load the disk.img with xmexample.vmx and see if it works
before running tests.
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