Re: [Xen-devel] xen-unstable: TX/RX ring buffer exhaustion and NR_GRANT_
On Tue, 2006-01-10 at 16:22 +0100, Birger Tödtmann wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 11.11.2005, 12:11 +0000 schrieb harry:
> > The xenidc code has the concept of a buffer resource provider which
> > implements an anti-deadlock resource reservation. Each client has uses
> > a pool with it's own buffer resource provider and the anti-deadlock
> > resource reservations decouple the clients from one another. The
> > underlying implementation of the buffer resource provider is currently
> > trivial (individual resource pools) but the intention is that the buffer
> > resource providers will share resources from a common underlying pool.
> >
> > This resource management strategy allows you to make better use of
> > constrained resources like grant tables whilst avoiding deadlock.
> Interesting thing, but I could not find documentation on xenidc - where
> do I get it? Where is the code, is it already inside Xen?
No, xenidc is not already inside Xen. The most recent version of xenidc
and the USB patch was posted here:
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