[Xen-devel] Please Stop with the application/octet-stream attachments (w
On Mon, Dec 05, 2005 at 09:16:05PM -0800, Santos, Jose Renato G wrote:
> Ian, Keir
> Now that Xen 3.0 was released and moved into a separate testing tree,
> it seems a good time to include Xenoprof patches into the public
> xen-unstable tree. What do you think?
> I am attaching the last version of the patches. There are 3 patches
> attached:
There are a lot of offenders here, so I'm not trying to single you out, but
too many windows programs are setting all the patch attachments as
application/octet-stream, which means it breaks inline reading for clients
(this is really annoying).
I found the following on the Wine website that might help:
"Outlook Express is notorious for mangling attachments. Giving the patch a
.txt extension and attaching will solve the problem for most mailers
including Outlook."
"Using regedit add key "Content Type" with value "text/plain" to the .diff
extension under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT (same as for .txt extension). This tells
OE to use Content-Type: text/plain instead of application/octet-stream"
Hopefully these will work, I don't run windows so I can't test them.
Sean Dague Mid-Hudson Valley
sean at dague dot net Linux Users Group
http://dague.net http://mhvlug.org
There is no silver bullet. Plus, werewolves make better neighbors
than zombies, and they tend to keep the vampire population down.
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