Re: [Xen-devel] [PATCH] Add a mechanism to detect block device setup fai
On Sat, Oct 29, 2005 at 01:11:07AM -0200, Murillo Fernandes Bernardes wrote:
> The problem is: There is no mechanism to detect block device setup failure
> Network devices have the same problem, and are fixed with this too.
> I handling this problem in the way suggested by aliguori:
> - hotplug scripts write a "hotplug-status" node on store
> - Xend DevController.createDevice() check verify this node and return success
> or throw an exception on failure.
> - If no changes in "hotplug-status" node after DEVICE_CREATE_TIMEOUT seconds
> Xend throw an exception showing the problem with hotplug scripts.
> Comments?
Thanks a lot for this, Murillo. I have a concern that this patch only
protects us against failure of hotplugging, and not, for example, a failure of
the backend driver, but it's certainly a good step in the right direction, so
I've applied it. I'll be working myself in this area over the next day or two
to improve this further.
Thanks again,
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