Re: [Xen-devel] iSCSI problems
Edwards, Nigel (Nigel Edwards) wrote:
I am having problems getting iSCSI working with xen. I can access
iSCSI drives fine from Xen0 (e.g. untar a 500MB archive and I don't
see problems reported through dmesg or /proc/kmsg). However, if I try
to project them into an instance of XenU as a scsi device to boot the
unprivileged domain I get an oops in Xen0 - often resulting in the
whole machine crashing. This occurs in the very early stages of boot
of xenU.
I am using linux-iscsi-4.0.2 for iscsi_sfnet.ko
scsi_transport_iscsi.ko is being built in linux-2.6.12-xen0
I downloaded xen-unstable-src.tgz October 25th.
I notice that there appear to be some significant differences between
scsi_transport_iscsi.c in linux-iscsi-4.0.2 and the version in
linux-2.6.12 kernel.
Example oops below. I have also attached the domain config file. I am
not sure what to do next to get this working. Any suggestions would
be appreciated. If you have iSCSI working, if you could drop me a note
indicating what code and modules you are using I would be very grateful.
Having played with this I would suggest that you use iSCSI in Dom0 and
export the disks from Dom0 to the varios DomU's.
I have managed to get this working with the aid of some hacks to the
UDEV configuration files so that I can get a deivce entry like
It is then easy to map these things into the approprate DomU configs.
I would be concerned about using iSCSI in the DomU's because of the
extra network overhead in propigating the data across the bridge.
Alvin Starr || voice: (416)585-9971
Interlink Connectivity || fax: (416)585-9974
alvin@xxxxxxxxxx ||
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