Re: [Xen-devel] networking oddities, present status ? changeset: 7145:71
On Saturday 01 October 2005 05:17, Ian Pratt wrote:
> > I give that a shot. I have a feeling at least one of the
> > three switches I have in my network may have STP on, and I
> > guess I should check the xen hosts as well (they really
> > should all be using the same network-bridge script). If STP
> > is off everywhere, is there any reason to not use
> > fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff on all xen-br0 devices?
> I don't believe so.
> However, I just ran tcpdump on my network and saw an occasional packet
> with that src address come out from a non-Xen host (to the UDP discard
> port -- no idea what this is), which causes all the Xen hosts to grumble
> about someone else using their addr.
> I'm not entirely sure why we started using the broadcast mac addr for
> these. Although they don't need to be different, I wander if we should
> be using an a more normal looking address.
I went ahead and tried giving unique mac addresses to each machine and that
has stopped all grumblings. New mac address are simply
fe:ff:ff:ff:ff-$netdev_ip_third_octet:ff-$netdev_ip_fourth_octet. Not sure
if this is the best way, but so far it works.
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