Re: [Xen-devel] Re: [Xen-changelog] Rewritten XendLogging to not be a si
On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 12:02:06PM -0400, Jeremy Katz wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-10-10 at 15:32 +0000, Xen patchbot -unstable wrote:
> > Log to a temporary file if permission is denied to log
> > to /var/log/xend.log, as happens when you are not root. Fixes bug
> > #305.
> This is going to lead to a lot of ugly little files scattered
> through /tmp. Why not fall back to only logging critical problems to
> stderr instead of still trying to make sure all of the debug domain
> information is output to the log?
That's certainly a possibility, and I'm not keen on having those files in
/tmp, but nor did I like the idea that useful debugging information would be
thrown away, given the fragility of the tools at the moment.
xm help doesn't cause any logging for me, so there's actually no file created.
I don't know why else someone would be running xm as a non-privileged user --
perhaps someone who does so could speak up?
There is actually a configuration option to set the log file, so people who
are using xm regularly in that mode do have the option to set the log file
somewhere that they can write, thus avoiding the small files.
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