Re: [Xen-devel] Poweredge 1850 - 4GB RAM
> Has anyone tried the current stable Xen with a Poweredge 1850 w/ 4GB ram? I
> know that without PAE Xen can't support more than 4GB on a system, but I've
> seen some results posted on the list that sometimes even 4GB will only show
> up as 3.3GB or 3.5GB in Xen. Does anyone know if the full 4GB will show as
> available on the 1850?
It all depends on the hardware. You'll never get the full 4GB, it's just a
question of how much your BIOS is wasting. Some BIOSes use way more machine
address space than they really need to in order to support memory-mapped IO
regions. Some of them are more efficient.
You'll always need PAE enabled to get at all the memory - true whether it's
Linux or Xen you're running :-(
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