Re: [Xen-devel] [Qeustion] Hypervisor for Embedded System
> I am looking for Virtualization Technology which can be useful for Embedded
> System
> Especially, support ARM/PPC/MIPS architecture..
> Is there anybody who tries to apply Xen to ARM/PPC/MIPS?
IBM are porting to the PPC970, which should help you some. They're mostly
aiming at the server market, so you'd need ta do some more work to get this
running on an embedded PPC.
> Or Is there any other solution which is useful ?
Depending on what you want to do there might be other solutions. e.g. Adeos
for multiplexing realtime OS components alongside Linux, Vservers for
creating virtual machines within one Linux kernel.
> I found rHype from IBM website.
> But it is lack of enough information and it is for the Cell architecture.
That functionality is being pull into Xen anyhow...
> If there is anybody who tries to make some hypervisor for Embedded System,
> Let me know you.. and let’s talk about Embedded Hypervisor.
I heard some vagues rumblings about an ARM port but haven't seen any code.
Xen *could* be ported for any of these systems but there hasn't (yet) been
sufficient interest from embedded developers wanting to make a port.
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