Hi all,
Here are some benchmarks that I've done using Xen.
However, before I get started, let me explain some of configuration details…
Xen Version SPECjbb
Linux Distribution Debian 3.1
HT disabled
Linux Kernel
Host Patch CK3s
Here are the initial benchmarks
1 Thread 1 Client 2 Clients 4 Clients 8 Clients
Host 32403.5 213.45 416.86 814.62 1523.78
1 VM 32057 205.4 380.91 569.24 733.8
2 VM 24909.25 NA 399.29 695.1 896.04
4 VM 17815.75 NA NA 742.78 950.63
8 VM 10216.25 NA NA NA 1002.81
(and some more notes…. BOPS - business operations per second, TPS - transactions per second…
SPECjbb tests CPU and Memory
WebBench (the way we configured it) tests Network I/O and Disk I/O
Values = AVG * VM count
Domain configurations
1 VM - 1660 MB - SPECJBB 1500MB
2 VM - 1280 MB - SPECJBB - 1024MB
4 VM - 640 MB - SPECJBB - 512 MB
8 VM - 320 MB - SPECJBB - 256 MB
Seeing how the SPECjbb numbers declined so bizarrely, I did some scheduling tests and found this out…
Test1: Examine Xen's scheduling to determine if context switching is causing the overhead
Period Slice BOPs
Modified 8 VM 1 ms 125 us 6858
8 VM 10 ms 1.25 ms 14287
8 VM 100 ms 12.5 ms 18912
8 VM 1 Sec .125 Sec 20695
8 VM 2 Sec .25 Sec 21072
8 VM 10 Sec 1.25 Sec 21797
8 VM 100 Sec 12.5 Sec 11402
I later learned that there was a period limit of 4 seconds, thus invalidating 10 and 100 seconds. However, this graph suggests that Xen needs some load and scheduling balancing done.
I also did a memory test to determine if that could be the issue… I made a custom stream to run for a 2 minute period… and got these numbers
Copy Scale Add Triad
Host 3266.4 3215.47 3012.28 3021.79
Modified 1 VM 3262.34 3220.34 3016.13 3025.28
So we can see memory is not the issue…
Now onto WebBench - After comparing the WebBench to the SPECjbb results, we get something interesting… NUMBERS increase as we increase the virtual machien count… So I would really like some idea on why this is. My understanding is this… When using the shared memory network drivers, there must be a local buffer, and when the buffer fills up, it puts the remaining into a global buffer, and when that fills up it puts it into a disk buffer? (These are all assumptions please correct me…) If that is the case is there an easy way to increase the local buffer to attempt to get better numbers? I also am looking into doing some tests that deal with multiple small transactions and 1 large transactions… I ran these all against a physical and image backed disk. Please any suggestions.
(Note… I was running this on a 1 gigabit switch with only webbench running)…
If there are any questions, I would be glad to respond.
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