Re: [Xen-devel] Control tools work
On 5/31/05, Charles Coffing <ccoffing@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 1. Providing a higher-level consistent API for domain actions
> (create, save, migrate, restore, pause, etc).
I'm no longer convinced there is a much higher API to have. Except
for create and migrate, all the actions you list are already single
functions in libxc, migrate is save | restore. It might be useful to
group several functions together for create, but it's not quite clear
how/where device configuration fits in there.
> I'm refactoring / rewriting / writing code in xutil, libxc, and xfrd
> (although it wouldn't be hard to slip libxen in there instead of libxc
> if that is the ultimate direction). I hope to have something to show
> in a week or two.
Please note that xfrd does no longer exist in -unstable. Also we
don't use libxutil anymore.
Xend handles the first half of a relocation itself and then runs the
xc_save or xc_restore helper programs to do the second part. During
the first part of a relocation, the xend domain configuration is
exchanged and the format of this part is specific to xend. The
xc_save and xc_restore helpers are merely wrappers for the
xc_linux_save and xc_linux_restore functions and use pipes to
communicate with xend and write/read the virtual machine image to/from
a file handle or socket.
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