RE: [Xen-devel] Problem upgrading xen-unstable
> I've been working on a xen-unstable tree from mid-April. I
> wanted to upgrade to the latest version, so here is what I did:
> - Clone a fresh copy of xeno-unstable.bk (1.1507)
> - "make world"
> - Change the .config of linux-2.6.11-xen0 to include my ethernet card
> - Add localversion files to linux-2.6.11-xen0 and linux-2.6.11-xenU
> - rm -rf the existing dist directory
> - "make kernels"
> - "make dist"
> - Tar the dist directory (plus subdirectories), transfer the
> tar file to the destination dom0 and untar there
> - On the destination dom0, cd into the dist directory and
> "./install.sh"
> - Reboot
I'm guessing that this is due to you having an old version of the tools on your
search path (the default location was changed).
try "rm -rf /usr/lib/python/xen /usr/lib/python2.*/site-packages/xen" or look
at the "make unistall" target.
> I'm now seeing a lot of problems which all seem to be related
> to xend. When running "xm console mydomU" on dom0, output is
> garbled. Shutting down or destroying a domain using xm
> frequently results in the domain still being listed by "xm
> list", although with a 0 memory size. After recreating a
> domain in that state, "xm list" will show two lines with the
> same domid (but the domain won't get created).
> My guess is I messed something up during the upgrade. I just
> can't figure out what...
> All help appreciated, Gé van Geldorp.
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