On 22 May 2005, at 05:51, James Harper wrote:
If anyone is wanting to experiment with SAN technology, but finding
iSCSI too fiddly, have a look at AOE (ATA over Ethernet). There is a
software AoE server, and the kernel client is already in 2.6.11.
I use AOE root on dom0, and on the block devices exported to the other
domains (eg dom0 exports AOE devices, the other domains don't do AOE
themselves). This allows for domain migration to work nicely.
I'm surprised that the protocol packets don't include an end-to-end
checksum. If the packets pass through a switch that occasionally
garbles packets then you could end up committing erroneous sectors to
On the other hand, if this is a significant problem then NFS/iscsi IP
checksumming may not save your data either, since the IP checksum is so
weak. For large volumes of data you care about the integrity of, you
probably really want an end-to-end CRC.
-- Keir
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