RE: [Xen-devel] domain that won't boot!!!
Here it is. I don't know that that error is actually responsible for
anything, maybe it's normal (eg try the /dev/NNNN first, then try device
number 0xNNNN. I have commented out the devices line and still get
nothing on boot. I have also now created nodes for /dev/hda1 and
/dev/hda2 in dom0 so those errors don't occur in the xend logs, but
still nothing on xenu boot. I have also tried commenting out the pci =
(it's an isdn card) with no result.
# -*- mode: python; -*-
kernel = "/boot/xen-linux-2.6.11-xenu"
memory = 128
name = "asterisk"
cpu = vmid
nics = 1
vif = [ 'mac=FE:FD:01:00:04:00,bridge=br0' ]
pci = [ '0000,0f,00' ]
disk = [ 'phy:vg00/asterisk-root,hda1,w',
'phy:vg00/asterisk-swap,hda2,w' ]
root = "/dev/hda1 ro"
extra = " 4 VMID=%d" % vmid
restart = False
the exact same config works for the 2.6.9 and 2.6.10 kernels. I'm
rebuilding 2.6.11 from scratch just in case something funny happened
during build.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vincent Hanquez [mailto:vincent.hanquez@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Saturday, 14 May 2005 19:08
> To: James Harper
> Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] domain that won't boot!!!
> On Sat, May 14, 2005 at 05:08:35PM +1000, James Harper wrote:
> > The logs show this:
> >
> > [2005-05-14 17:02:26 xend] DEBUG (XendDomainInfo:1130) Creating vbd
> > dom=16 uname=phy:vg00/asterisk-root
> > [2005-05-14 17:02:26 xend] DEBUG (blkif:63) exception looking up
> > number for 0301: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/0301'
> it's doing something wrong with devices, and its trying to open a
> "0301" device instead of the device that has the 0301 number (hda1)
> can you copy your configuration file ?
> --
> Vincent Hanquez
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