Re: [Xen-devel] double fault ...
On Mon, May 02, 2005 at 04:23:42PM +0100, Keir Fraser wrote:
> On 2 May 2005, at 15:51, Gerd Knorr wrote:
> >... happens with panics when compiled with debugging.
> >panic() calls debugger_trap_immediate(), which triggers
> >do_int3, which calls panic(), which recurses until the
> >stack is full => bang!
> You compile with crash_debug=y?
Yes. Mostly to get a xen binary without optimization and with full
debug info, so I can easily lookup stuff using
"objdump -dS xen-syms | less +/<addr>".
> The intention is that do_int3() will execute DEBUGGER_trap_fatal()
> before panic(), so you should enter the gdb stub rather than
> infinitely loop. How is that not occurring?
I don't actually have a debugger attached, so DEBUGGER_trap_fatal
aka __trap_to_cdb() instantly returns.
#define printk(args...) fprintf(stderr, ## args)
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