I've looked at it, but had some issues building it. If the cisco
initiator is going away I'll definitely give it a spin this week.
On Apr 10, 2005 12:04 PM, Ian Pratt <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Has anyone got any experience using the new 'open-iscsi' initiator?
> (either on Xen or native) http://www.open-iscsi.org/
> We've been using the cisco iscsi stack
> http://linux-iscsi.sourceforge.net/ for some time, but the performance
> isn't great. open-iscsi claims good performance, so it might be worth
> switching over.
> BTW: gnbd works great, but I wish it used checksums over and above the
> ip csum / ethernet crc32.
> Cheers,
> Ian
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