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Re: [Xen-devel] hanging dell hardware

On Thu, Mar 24, 2005 at 04:34:26PM -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
> Ian Pratt wrote:
> >>The machine is a PowerEdge 2850, the controller is a PERC 4e/Di.
> > 
> > Is this the standard on-board SCSI controller?
> It's an embedded LSI Logic MegaRAID controller.
> I've heard that the stock firmware (v 513O) for this controller on the
> Dell PowerEdge 2800/2850 is very buggy.
> I suggest that Michal upgrade the controller's firmware (to v 516A - the
> latest and greatest) and try again.
> If that still doesn't fix it, then I suggest that Michal contact Dell's
> technical support and get the machine repaired or replaced.

Hi, yes, I've got the latest version of the 516A firmware (got that from
Dell a few days ago). I'm just running some tests now to try to get it
to crash in order to answer Ian's previous questions...


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