Re: [Xen-devel] Vanderpool and Xen 3.0 question !
From what i have understood, next generation CPUs such as Pentium D
will integer Vanderpool technology also called IVT, and this technology
should enable Xen 3.x to run MS Windows XP without paravirtualization
kernel modification, right?
I believe that's the plan, although for maximum performance you might
install special Xen device drivers into the WinXP interface.
If so, here is my question:
Will Xen 3.x enable (/do xen developpers plan on enableing) users to run
Windows XP NFSrooted (or some sort of "software streamed" Windows XP
image on a remote server) ?
I don't know what Windows support for directly talking to a network root
filesystem is. However, you should be able to present the guest (i.e.
Windows in this case) with the illusion of an ordinary block device,
whereas in dom0 it is actually a file on a network share / an ENBD device /
BTW, i run my Linux LFS/BLFS 6.0 NFSrooted box under Xen and it works "
'o good Lord" impressively very great. Great job guys ;-)
Glad to hear it.
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