RE: [Xen-devel] [Q] bkbits Access
Exporting with the proxy information in this format works for me:
export http_proxy=http://mycompanyproxyname:mycompanyproxynumber/
(replace mycompanyproxyname and mycompanyproxynumber with your proxy
bk clone http://xen.bkbits.net/xeno-unstable.bk xeno-unstable
On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 12:16:12 -0500, Bharadwaj Yadavalli
<bharadwaj.yadavalli@xxxxxx> wrote:
> I have been trying unsuccessfully to run bk clone to pull down Xen
> sources to a Linux box (running FC3) that is sitting behind a
> firewall. I have set the env variable http_proxy correctly and
> verified that access to outside world is possible as follows:
> $ http_proxy=proxy.mycompany.com:port_num wget http://xen.bkbits.net/
> However, I get a "Connection refused" message each time I run
> $ http_proxy=proxy.mycompany.com:port_num bk clone
> http://xen.bkbits.net/xen-2.0.bk
> Any one out there that can help me understand my mistake? I tried
> specifying bk:// in the URI but that made no difference.
> Thanks,
> Bharadwaj
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