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Re: [Xen-devel] Re: Using Debian packages

title  XenLinux 2.0.5
root  (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/xen.gz dom0_mem=131072
module /boot/xen-linux-2.6.10 root=/dev/sda6 ro console=tty0

Looks OK.

Nomatter what I've done so far I get grub error 15:

15 : File not found
This error is returned if the specified file name cannot be found,
but everything else (like the disk/partition info) is OK.

What does your menu.lst entry for vanilla Linux look like? What does your /etc/fstab look like (i.e. do you have a /boot partition or something else that's throwing off your grub setup?)

I more or less just pasted the menu.lst from documentation with a few changes. And noticed that xen kernerl xen.gz is missing in /boot directory. I've then tried to copy xen.gz from xen binary distribution, but I still get error 15.

Hrm... Copying it in should work. Could you please do an ls -l of your /boot?


Any help is really appriciated since I've been struggling with this for quite a while.


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