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Re: [Xen-devel] Another migration question

On Thu, 2005-03-17 at 14:31 +0000, M.A. Williamson wrote:
> USB is a little trickier because there isn't a straightforward way to 
> ensure the guest can still access the device after the migration nor to 
> make the process transparent to the guest USB stack. For this reason, USB 
> doesn't support suspend, so you can't suspend a USB frontend domain. We can 
> probably do a bit better e.g. fake out port disconnects on suspend then 
> allow a device reconnect on resume - it won't be transparent but it'll be 
> more useful.

If the inter-domain communication interface was network transparent it
would allow you to migrate a domain within a cluster for load-balancing
whilst leaving the usb devices where they were.


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