RE: [Xen-devel] [patch/unstable] page table cleanups
> > I'm not fussed too much which way we go, but Ian has
> pointed out that
> > the l*_pgentry_t types haven't actually found us any bugs
> (although I
> > might argue that it has prevented any bugs ever getting as
> far as the
> > master repository :-) ).
> I'd argue that way as well. The whole point of the "typedef
> { u{32|64}
> l? } l?_pgentry_t" types and the access macros is to make the
> _compiler_
> notice bugs, so they can't creep into the code base in the first place
> because gcc refuses to compile the buggy code ;)
I guess I'd prefer to have it be a scalar type because all the accessor
macros actually do a pretty good job of obfusticating the code -- you
see mk_( _val( X ) [logical op]) all over the place. One way to fix this
would be to have a better accessor macro for performing logical ops on
the flags field of a pgentry.
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