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Re: [Xen-devel] openafs not supported?

To: Ian Pratt <m+Ian.Pratt@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Xen-devel] openafs not supported?
From: Miroslav Ruda <ruda@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 09 Mar 2005 23:39:42 +0100
Cc: xen-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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Ian Pratt wrote:
Great, that was missing piece! I'm running openafs-1.2.11 compiled with faked
linux-2.4.29-xen0 and until now everything works fine.

Please can you write a good bug report for the openafs maintainers to
get them to fix their Makefiles.
Are you sure that this is bug  in their Makefile? Even if I created correct 
symlinks to asm-xen instead of asm-i386 (not using your script), compilation 
included some i386 header instead of xen-enabled. I can imagine several reasons:
- some header file from /usr/include/ was used (because openafs Makefile creates 
only several faked (=symlink to kernel source) include directories) -> this is 
bug in openafs
- openafs code included some xen header file, which is not "expected" to be 
included directly and therefore this xen header file included wrong i386 version
- if for example asm-xen is just subset of asm-i386, attempt to include some
header existing only in i386 version should lead to usage of system header from /usr/include/asm-i386
I'll try to investigate it (first step will be trace usage of headers 
pre-installed to /usr/include), but I'm not yet convinced what's real source of 
                 Mirek Ruda

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