Re: [Xen-devel] happy happy happy
> OK. That makes sense. Just to make sure I understand, set up ntp in
> dom0 and automatically all of the domU machines will get the correct time?
Yes, unless they decide to "opt out" and keep their own time. By default they
should synchronise automagically, I think.
> > That's perculiar - you shouldn't have a problem here. Other people are
> > running ReiserFS OK.
> I know. I thought I was safe but apparently my gift for making things
> fail reared its ugly head again. it's great when you're trying to
> exercise something but it really sucks when you are just trying to get a
> job done.
Can you verify the same problem doesn't occur with the same filesystem under
dom0? Under vanilla Linux? It seems possible some kind of corruption could
have occurred, as Ian suggested.
> maybe I should send a copy of sda.. it's only 4 or 5 GB. ;-)
Heh, the record for the Worlds Largest Email goes go..... ;-)
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